Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Chattanooga High School Students
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Lean Six Sigma professionals and those with the knowledge and skills to use it often have better career prospects and more job opportunities within their organizations—and let’s not mention higher salaries by knowing this methodology alone. As long as the training is done correctly, high school students can also benefit from LSS since they gain the knowledge for future positions and personal projects. We offer all the training and certification required for students at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Chattanooga High School Students of Tennessee.
LSS is often misunderstood as a tool that only professionals and companies can use to improve their processes. However, this is due to the recent implementation and inculcation in the education area.
Lean Six Sigma’s beauty lies in the fact that anyone can apply it and even get a job within a company with no prior experience since it offers the practice many high school students don’t get during those years.
By being specific, how can students benefit from this approach?
LSS requires problem-solving skills or, to be more accurate, individuals in the training process will naturally develop them, as well as the ability to work with others in a group and be responsible.
It is simple and enhances everyone’s skills. This allows students to gain the necessary abilities and knowledge to manage their daily activities.
However, this only works if the training and certifications are organized and outlined based on the students’ comprehension and availability, but without affecting the content in terms of not allowing them to take the same roles as any business professional who was trained in Sigma later on.
In our company, only the yellow and green LSS belts are available, representing the methodology’s introductory and intermediate levels. This is all you need if you’re a student, school board, or institution interested in the LSS belts.
- The yellow belt is more focused on personal skills. It allows students to build confidence and manage problems.
- The green belt is team-based. They learn to work together, build leadership qualities and problem-solving skills, and improve their decision-making.
We have over ten years of experience and are confident about being the experts your students or kids need, or maybe YOU need as the student themselves.
Our Lean Six Sigma Training for High School Students
Training goes beyond the development of skills mentioned above. The training also includes LSS principles and concepts. We want you to be prepared, and there’s no point in taking this course if you aren’t just trained like every other person, regardless of their stage in life.
Students should understand the system and how to work in an LSS group in the near future and after finishing this training. They will also be able to apply the knowledge gained from their process and the hours spent in it.
Like regular courses, the belt will determine the topics and skills that are covered, but there’s no need to worry as every single one of our belts will prepare you for any opportunity:
- Training to be a yellow belt.
Students will learn the basics of terminology, methodology, data collection, how it works, and principles and concepts. These are the most important aspects you will learn in yellow-belt training. We have also added more information that is usually seen in green belt training.
- Green belt training.
Lean 6 Sigma will be taught to them, and they will be able to use the methodology on a large scale. To help them reach their goals, we want to emphasize teamwork and leadership.
Lean Six Sigma goes beyond just using the methodology. We still cover the major topics in this belt training: DMAIC and SIPOC, Risk mitigation, Regression Analysis, and Problem-solving.
For this option, students should take the yellow belt training first.
Six Sigma Access for Students
Once students get trained, they will be able to opt for their certifications regardless of the option they chose:
- LSS online course.
- LSS in-person training.

We want them to feel at ease and be able to learn in the LSS green belt or yellow belt without being in a hurry and without having to worry about getting their certificate or not.
Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Chattanooga offers the possibility to become certified once you have completed the green belt or yellow belt training. Thus, every student in the school boards, high schools, and general institutions can get certified right after they pass our final exam.
Contact us to schedule the training sessions and inform our team of the number of students you are bringing. If you are alone, you are always welcome as well!